Monday, November 14, 2011

Lack of Personal Makeup Playtime / Kat Von D's New Tattoo Chronicles: Candelabra Palette

I’m strange, I’m not sure if I’m the only one (and if you’re like this too, please tell me so I don’t feel alone!) but being a makeup artist, I have a wide range of colour palettes that I love to use on others, experiment, create gorgeous shades and blends and yet when it comes to myself I almost always opt for the same look – liner, mascara, pink lips & gloss (of course with my foundation, powder, contour, highlight and blush). When I’m going out to a club or somewhere to doll up – throw on lashes, bit of shimmer and maybe if I’m in the mood I’ll play with some deeper shadows in my crease and outer V.

During the week I’m in an office so I have always assumed that I can’t really wear color there. Then on weekends I have our bookings and by the time you do 10-15 makeup applications and it’s your turn to get ready to hit the town for the evening – you just want it to be fast and clean! So two years later, I've found myself in this routine now yet wanting to play.

Well you know what? I’ve done it, I’ve gone out and bought myself (after much debating, owing and aweing in Sephora with Sharon at the colours) a makeup palette that I promised myself to keep out of my kit and on my dresser for personal use and actually use!

Kat Von D - Tattoo Chronicles: Candelabra Palette

Kat Von D is beautiful, talented and always amazing us.

This palette was $59 with 16 colors and a full size Mascara that was actually similar to Dior's Diorshow Mascara (which has been one of my favorites for years so that was defiantly a plus) They all have amazing payout except for a couple of the matte shadows but then again, I've never really been a fan of matte shadows at all really so that could be another reason for that.

One of my favorite things about the palette (other than the colors of course) is the drawings and scriptures in the pages before it. One of which says:

"Looking out the window- it's gloomy out there- Everything's grey.... but in no way do feel like how it looks outside.
The time spent with you, regardless of both of our ups and downs has left me with an overwhelming sense of aliveness that I've never felt...
I think - for you - I'll draw a million drawings...
Just one small way of saying you own my heart...."

Awww! So cute! <3 Anyways....

I figured this palette would do a couple of things:

1. Get me out of my slacking, not dolling up and not looking as good everyday as I want to stage

2. Experiment with colour in different ways, practice and get ideas, increase speed

3. I did have a 3rd but I lost it as I was writing the two above LOL


Has it worked?
I’d say so! I was at IMATS over the weekend and bought my first NARS palette for personal use along with a Makeup Forever Gold Diamond Dust (LONG overdue) and I’m in love <3 I really should start posting some pictures of the looks I do with it but my camera is not all that wonderful.

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