Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ever Wondered How to get Away With Wearing Coloured Shadow in the Workplace?

Now this does not refer to the neutrals, browns, peaches and shimmers that we usually wear when we are getting ready for work in the morning. This is in reference to the purples, reds, blues, greens etc. People can argue this one of several ways and if you don’t agree, leave me a comment with what YOU think is right! :)

Depending on your work environment, you can get away with dolling up your eyes with colour for work in the morning. I work in an office and am in corporate sales but I’ve found a way to apply my shadow just right, leaving me feeling professional yet still playful! (Just please don't do this every day of the week)

There’s just a few simple guidelines that you should follow to ensure you don’t look like you’re heading for a nightclub right after work or that you don’t get sent home for not keeping a professional appearance:

KEEP IT ON YOUR LID: You want to keep it CLEAN, I can not stress this enough… keep it CLEAN. Do not take colour above your crease and avoid a bright highlight if you can. Instead of a highlight, clean up any shadow that has gotten to high with a q-tip as you go along, a sponge with a bit of your foundation still on it, your finger, or even concealer. Then take a shadow that is close to your skintone and blend it above your crease. This also keeps cleaning up/diffusing any shadow that may have gotten above your crease.

Inner Corner – keep it neutral or lighter and then the darker more colorful color just at the outer ends. Blend it well for the seamless transition from the lighter to the darker. After blending you may have to go back with a small brush just to lightly dap that deeper/brighter color back in to make it pop a bit more.

Under Eyes – apply a lighter concealar again where you normally would to brighten up the under eye area and clean any of the colour that may have fallen. If you have big eyes like me, avoid liner underneath… it looks a lot cleaner if you just put a light coat of mascara on the bottom even though I love liner half way across the bottom. When I’m working with colour for work, I just keep the liner on top and leave the bottom completely clean.

Lips: Nude, glossed or a creamy tint - avoid anything too bright or dark

Blush/Highlight/Contour: If you’re wearing any of these, keep it blended and as natural as possible.

Wardrobe: Work Attire is Essential (I find this to be a big one) Ensure your wardrobe is professional, clean, pressed! If you have a wrinkled shirt, cleavage, dress pants and black runners on, with coloured eye shadow… don’t expect anyone to take your seriously. Heels (even a small heel) is almost mandatory and is an instant confidence boaster! If you can, always keep a blazer at work. This way if you have a very important client, a wardrobe malfunction, spill or anything of the sort – you always have a backup and still look like a strong professional business women :)

1 comment:

  1. Kind of funny...I sent a memo to my team last week about Wardrobe, Makeup, & Perfume. I'm all for making an effort with your face but I don't want to see it across the boardroom!
